VigRX Plus®

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VigRX Plus is proven to improve erection quality and boost libido. This 100% natural formula works by increasing nitric oxide levels for more blood flow. You can try VigRX Plus risk-free with our 100% satisfaction guarantee.

  • Achieve Harder Erections
  • Produce Fuller, Thicker Erections
  • Get Hard Faster
  • Stay Hard Longer
  • Boost Sex Drive
  • 100% Natural Formula

VigRX Plus®

Try any of our products RISK-FREE for 67 days and if they do not work for you, send back the empty containers and we will issue you a prompt, hassle-free refund.
Rated #1 for male sexual enhancement. Clinical trial with REAL MEN showed a 71.43% increase in sexual and intercourse satisfaction. Doctor recommended…

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Clinical Trial With REAL MEN Showed 71.43% Improvement With Intercourse Satisfaction!

For men who wish to enjoy bigger, harder, longer-lasting erections on demand, there's now VigRX Plus®.

Instead of taking a pill before you want to have sex, and then being forced to wait 60 minutes for the results to kick in, with VigRX Plus™ you simply take a single pill, twice per day.

Then, over period of 30 days, this 100% natural herbal formulation builds up in your system, so that you begin to experience:

  • A noticeable increase in your desire for sex…
  • Harder, thicker erections when you want them…
  • Truly impressive stamina and control…
  • Plus some of the most intense orgasms you've ever experienced!

And there's no need to worry about the side effects that are commonly associated with prescription drugs.

Because VigRX Plus™ is safe… 100% natural… and doctor endorsed!

Just In – Results From Our First Ever Clinical Study!

In the first clinical study of its kind, using human volunteers, VigRX Plus™ was proved a winner!

Guys have been telling us for more than 11 years now that VigRX Plus™ works. But it's nice to have the scientific evidence to back up our testimonials and claims with PROOF OF RESULTS!

Clinical Study Results Showed:

  • 62.82% Increase in ability to maintain erection
  • 58.97% Increase in ability to penetrate partner
  • 22.49% Increase in frequency and quality of orgasms
  • 71.43% Increase in sexual and intercourse satisfaction
  • 47.00% Increase in sex drive and desire
  • 61.00% Increase in overall sexual satisfaction

The VigRX Plus™ formulation put a fresh twist on the already #1 rated VigRX™ Daily Supplement by adding NEW, potent ingredients: Damiana and now Bioperine.

Damiana has been used for thousands of years by the Mayans and Europeans respectively to increase libido and help men get hard, while Bioperine has been clinically proven to safely increase the absorption rates of the nutrients that it's combined with.

Results You Can Expect

Many guys tell us that they begin feeling the effects of VigRX Plus™ within 7 days of beginning supplementation.

Realistically, however, we encourage you to plan to continue supplementation for at least 30 days before you expect to begin feeling truly significant changes in your overall erection quality, stamina, and sex drive. Because it takes time for the ingredients to build up in your system.

After 30 days of supplementation, you can expect to see changes in the hardness of your erections, with improved stamina and a noticeable increase in your appetite for sex.
Then, after 60 days, you can expect to see the noticeable increases in your erection capacity, as increased blood flow to the erectile tissues begins to create visual changes in your erection size.

After 90 days of supplementation, you'll enjoy consistency of performance – for as long as you continue supplementation.
Because it's important to remember: If you stop taking VigRX Plus™, ingredients will slowly leave your system until you're back to square one! So daily supplementation is essential after 90 days if you plan to maintain the results.

Try It RISK FREE For 60 Days!

Like you'd expect, VigRX Plus™ comes with a generous money back guarantee. If you're not completely satisfied with the improvements in your erection quality, simply return the containers within 67 days of purchase for a full refund, no questions asked.

This allows you to choose a 6 or 12 month savings package below with confidence, knowing that your entire purchase is protected by this no risk guarantee.

Choose your savings package below to get started now!


The VigRX Plus® formula has been scientifically engineered for maximum possible results. We did our homework to create this one of a kind formula. It includes scientifically tested, potent aphrodisiac herbal concentrates from China, Europe and South America.

This precise blending of herbs forms a powerfully effective combination guaranteed to stimulate sexual activity, maintain a firm erection and increase sexual pleasure. While the benefits of all of these ingredients have been known for centuries, it's important to know that clinical studies have backed up these benefits. Plus with the addition of Bioperine® our ingredients are even more effective.

The VigRX Plus formula includes:


Bioperine® is clinically proven to increase herbal supplements absorption rates.

U.S. clinical studies have shown that Bioperine® safely increases the absorption rates of nutrients that it is combined with. Simply stated, it makes supplements work better.

Studies with Bioperine® show that it increases the absorption of coenzyme Q10 by approximately 30%, with some trials demonstrating a 20-fold increase in bioavailability. Bioperine® has demonstrated its effectiveness and been awarded serveral U.S. patents as a bioavailability enhancer (including # 5,536,506, # 5,744,161 and # 5,972,382).

Damiana – Turnera Aphrodisiaca

Damiana has been used in Central and South America from the time of the Mayans as an aphrodisiac. It has developed a reputation over thousands of years as a proven way to increase sexual stamina, improve erectile quality and enhance orgasms. While there have been no clinical studies on humans testing its effects on sexual performance, clinical studies on mice have shown an increase in sexual activity.

Epimedium Leaf Extract – Epimedium Sagittatum

Also known as “Horny Goat Weed”, Epimedium has been used for thousands of years as a libido enhancer.

Medical research has discovered that the active ingredient is icariin. Icariin is used to increase erectile function. Another effect of Epimedium is, it allows more blood to flow to the penis. It does this by allowing the nitric oxide levels to increase, relaxing smooth muscles. It also acts as a mild PDE-5 inhibitor. Like Viagra, Epimedium reduces PDE-5 levels, although at a level that doesn't produce unwanted side effects.

After centuries of use in China, top medical doctors now report that Epimedium can be used to boost libido, improve erectile function, restore sexual power and increase sensation. Scientifically, Epimedium works by freeing up testosterone, which naturally increases sex drive and endurance.

Asian Red Ginseng

The traditional use of Ginseng is to overcome general weakness and deliver extra energy. It also has aphrodisiac powers.

A double-blind study by the Department of Urology, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea attempted to study Korean Red Ginseng for its efficacy to address erection problems. Their conclusion was that Korean red ginseng can be an effective alternative for men who struggle to get an erection.

A key ingredient of Ginseng is ginsenoside, which alters blood flow to the brain and penis and can build blood and sperm. Russian scientists have reported and recorded that Ginseng stimulates both physical and mental activity, enhances athletic performance and has a positive effect on the sex glands.

Saw Palmetto Berry – Fructus Serenoae

Saw Palmetto berries have long held a reputation as sexual stimulants and aphrodisiacs.

The medical journal JAMA published research showing how Saw Palmetto is effective for the treatment of men with symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia. Saw Palmetto has shown significant action in treatment of conditions associated with benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH). Saw Palmetto extract works to prevent testosterone from converting into dihydrotestosterone, the hormone thought to cause prostrate cells to multiply which leads to an enlarged prostate.

The effects of Saw Palmetto are a result of multiple mechanisms. One mechanism is that it relaxes smooth muscle tissue resulting in increased blood flow. Saw Palmetto also inhibits androgen and estrogen receptor activity and may be beneficial for both sexes in balancing the hormones. Because of its hormonal effects, Saw Palmetto can aid the thyroid in regulating sexual development and normalizing activity of those glands and organs. Currently, Saw Palmetto is widely used in Germany, Canada, the United Kingdom and the U.S. for nutritionally benefiting the prostate and urinary tract.

Their largest use today is as a supplement for reducing enlarged prostate glands, treating urinary tract problems and for improving body strength. Saw Palmetto is one of the few herbal remedies that are considered to be anabolic – strengthening and building body tissues.

Muira Pauma Bark Extract – Ptychopetalum Olacoides

Muira Pauma is used to restore sexual virility and to increase sexual desire and ability in men.

Dr. Jacques Waynberg, at the Institute of Sexology in Paris, France, did a study of 262 men complaining of lack of sexual desire, or the inability to maintain or attain an erection. The results showed that 62% of men with a lack of libido had benefited. 51% of men who had erection problems also benefited.

Recent clinical studies further validate the potency of Muira Pauma. Presently, the mechanism of action of Muira Pauma is unknown. From the preliminary information, it appears that it works on enhancing both psychological and physical aspects of sexual function. Future research will undoubtedly shed additional light on this extremely promising herb for men who struggle to get hard.

Catuaba Bark Extract – Erythroxylum Catuaba

The historic traditional use of this herbal tonic is legendary. Many say it is the most famous of all the Brazilian aphrodisiac plants. It is said that regular consumption of Catuaba bark over a period of time leads first to erotic dreams, which are later followed by increased libido.

Medical studies have shown that in addition to its antiviral and antibacterial properties, it dilates blood vessels. According to Dr. Meira Penna, Catuaba functions as a stimulant of the nervous system, above all when men struggle with lower ability of the male genital organ.

It is a strong tonic and nervous system fortifier. Long known for its general capability of giving strength and relieving fatigue. The effect is pronounced in men, especially as a libido enhancer.

Hawthorn Berry – Fructus Crataegi

This phytochemical, with exceptional preventive capacities, comes from the hawthorn tree. Hawthorn is rich in bioflavonoids, which relax and dilate the arteries. These compounds are powerful antioxidants that help increase the flow of blood and oxygen to the heart. This reduces the work required by the heart to circulate blood, and in turn this reduces blood pressure and stress to the heart muscle. The bioflavonoid substances in Hawthorn give strength to the walls of blood vessels and improve blood flow to other areas of the body. Components in Hawthorn have also been shown to lower cholesterol, and the amount of plaque in arteries.

Officially approved for pharmaceutical use in Germany, government studies show the Hawthorn plant to be completely free of any side effects. European studies have shown that the Hawthorn botanical increases blood flow to the heart and brain, protects the heart from irregular beats, enhances the strength of the heart's contractions, and mildly lowers blood pressure.

Ginkgo Leaf – Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo has been shown to be nutritional support for mental alertness, enhanced vitality level, circulatory health and blood vessel health.

Like Cuscuta, Gingko Biloba increases vascular blood flow- resulting in improved erections. Studies have suggested that Gingko biloba works by promoting smooth muscle relaxation in the corpus cavernosum. In the last 30 years, more than 300 studies have given clinical evidence that Ginkgo prevents and benefits many problems throughout the entire body.

Ginkgo improves peripheral circulation, oxygenation, and increases blood flow to the genitals to improve sexual ability and the power of an erection. In a recent scientific study, 78% of men with non-medically caused sexual problems reported significant improvement – with no side effects.

What Is VigRX Plus?

VigRX Plus is an all-natural male enhancement supplement that maximizes erection quality and supercharges libido.

VigRX Plus results include:

  • Firmer Erections
  • Girthier Erections
  • Get Hard Faster
  • Stay Hard Longer
  • Enhanced Sex Drive

The VigRX Plus formula can give you these results through 100% natural means.

What Are The Ingredients In VigRX Plus?

VigRX Plus possesses an impressive lineup of clinically-tested ingredients. And each VigRX Plus pill contains the optimal dose of every element.

VigRX Plus pills contain:

  • Ginkgo Biloba
  • Hawthorn Berry
  • Catuaba Bark Extract
  • Muira Pauma
  • Saw Palmetto
  • Asian Red Ginseng
  • Epimedium Leaf Extract
  • Damiana
  • BioPerine

Researchers carefully chose all of VigRX Plus ingredients to deliver the best possible results.

Is VigRX Plus Safe?

VigRX Plus is 100% safe.

Does VigRX Plus Have Side Effects?

VigRX Plus is a dietary supplement that boasts zero known negative side effects.

VigRX Pills are more closely related to a green smoothie than a pharmaceutical drug. Each of the natural herbs, vitamins, and minerals in this proprietary formula has been tested and proven safe.

Where Can I Get VigRX Plus?

Look no further. Leading Edge Health is a proud supplier of VigRX Plus.

We offer the lowest prices, the best shipping rate, and a 100% money-back guarantee.

Scroll up to buy today.

Should I Buy VigRX Plus?

If you’re a guy dealing with declining sexual health, then VigRX Plus pills could help you. This potent formula can help you naturally regain control over your sexual health.

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